All SMAW electrodes have letter and number designations. Those used for welding steel have a letter E (Electrode) followed by 4 or 5 numbers and may be followed by number/letter designations. Basically the first 2 or 3 numbers give you the tensile strength of the weld deposit in thousands of pounds per square inch ie: 6013 refers to 60,000 PSI of tensile strength. 11018 would mean 110,000 PSI of tensile strength. The next number stands alone ie: 1 means it can be used in all 4 positions flat,horiz.,vert.,and overhead. The last 2 numbers are taken together and designate the basic ingredient of the coating mix plus what type of electrical current is to be used. ie: 13 can be used with AC or DC straight/reverse polarity current. A chart can be obtained to tell you what the basic ingredient in the mix is although in most instances this is not that important. Some steel electrodes have letter/number designations after and usually refer to the batch number so that any problems encountered can be traced back to production. ie: E-7018 B2
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