Q & A details -Colour of gas cylinders used in oxy-acetylene?
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Colour of gas cylinders used in oxy-acetylene?

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Colour of gas cylinders used in oxy-acetylene?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-03-01 09:41:16

    This really depends on where you live and the laws of that area. The colors of the tanks are for helping firefighters know when something is dangerous. Even more important is the labeling on the tank. The tanks are usually coded to OSHA HAZMAT colors very very carefully. Oxygen tanks are usually green, since oxygen doesnt burn. It is still risky in a fire because it can help something on fire to burn hotter or longer. I have seen acetylene tanks black, yellow, red and blue, but the labels on them always are correctly marked. That stuff burns and burns hot. Firefighters are very careful around the stuff. "Combustion with oxygen achieves a flame temperature of 5580° F"

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