Q & A details -How do you minimise welding hazards at the welding site?
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How do you minimise welding hazards at the welding site?

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How do you minimise welding hazards at the welding site?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-03-01 09:40:52

    You do a Pre Job Hazard Assessment-JHA JHA can contain: *Type of welding *position of welding *confined area entry *hazardous surrounding checking * Now after doing this assessment, you SHOULD do the following *clear the area from flammables and textiles not resistant to fire...etc *provide ventilating means if welding causes toxic fumes in a confined space or area *provide fire extinguishers suitable for any type of fire , with enough quantity and capacity. * use the fire resistant blankets to cover any immobile things in the surroundings * put a sign that demonstrates " hot works area" or any suitable eye-catching signs *all people working or passing in the welding area MUST , strictly must, wear proper protective safety wear.

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