Q & A details - Washing a welding jacket?
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Washing a welding jacket?

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I have a welding jacket that only has leather sleeves. I am wondering about washing it, the sleeves are ok but the rest of the jacket has gotten really trashed out. Ive read all the posts about not washing leather and cleaning it with a rag and soap or saddle soap crap or something, thats not worth my time. Everyone else says dry clean it. Well if thats the case than what do the dry cleaners use? (a rag with some kind of saddle soap crap). Im trying to do this with less than 30 min of my time and not get the leather arms to stiff.
Update: Yea i was thinking of just washing it and hanging it out, I dont weld enough or in bad positions to mess up the arms it the rest of the jacket that really needs the wash the sleves look almost new. lol minus the minor welding burns. but the jacket gets bad from multiple users and working in really dirty places. and the sweat form the multiple users. Thanks for the advice. 

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-21 09:36:29

    Dry cleaners use various solvents, akin to gasoline or lacquer thinner, but easier on fabrics. If you toss the whole thing in the washer, I don't think the leather would get ruined, just as long as you don't do this weekly. I'd hang-dry the jacket. If the sleeves are too dry and stiff after you wash it, try something like baseball glove oil on the inside (not outside) of the sleeves. I'd also look for another jacket, since welding clothes don't last forever. BTW, my welding jacket is all leather. It looks a bit tatty, but that goes with the work.

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