Possibly, but they'd have to grind the coating off first in areas that needed to be welded. It's a bad idea to weld aluminum unless the joints are spotlessly clean and shiny.
Aluminum tends to be more brittle than steel, so trying to bend them straight might break some of the bars. In that case the welder would have to fabricate new supports. Some shops might charge you for that, considering they were broken already.
Also a lot of aluminum items are made of heat-treated aluminum alloys which have a higher strength than normal. Heating the supports would cause them to lose strength in which case they might bend again in the future.
I suggest you take the damaged items to a welding company and ask for an estimate. It may cost less just to replace them. Most welders would charge around $80 per hour for labor. Without seeing the damage myself I can't begin to tell you how much you would be looking at.
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