Please tell your husband that the ultraviolet rays from welding can burn not only the white of the eye and the cornea, but also the retina, causing permanent loss of vision. He should see an ophthalmologist immediately. The injury to the lens may lead to cataracts later.
If you are trying to talk him into going to a doctor, remind him that the doctor can probably give him something for the pain. You can't get something for eye pain over the counter because it is dangerous to numb your eyes, since you wouldn't know if there is something there that could damage them.
I have suffered from snow-blindness, which is an ultraviolet burn to the cornea from the sun. The only thing that soothed (but did not relieve the pain) was cold compresses over my eyes. Pain medication that is good for inflammation, like ibuprofen, should also help. The corneal pain should not last more than a couple of days. He will be sensitive to light and should stay in a darkened room or wear sunglasses
I found a couple of links with information on welding injuries to the eyes.
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