Q & A details -Which drill bit is stronger Carbide or Cobalt?
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Which drill bit is stronger Carbide or Cobalt?

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Which drill bit is stronger Carbide or Cobalt?

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  • 0086279936

    0086279936 2017-07-27 11:59:35

    This depends on the hardness of the steel in question. Ordinary twist drill bits are only about 65 rockwell C. (Nearly all steel bits are high-speed steels these days.) Hence they simply will not work on the hardest tool steels, and will wear very quickly on medium-hardness, high strength steels. The most practical option is to anneal the part before drilling or machining. Cobalt bits are only slightly harder, maximum 67-68 RC. The advantage of cobalt bits is they have better heat resistance than high-speed steel bits, hence they can be used at somewhat more aggressive cutting rates and are less likely to burn up. For example, cobalt bits work well for stainless steels which have rapid work-hardening properties. For drilling tool steels in the fully hardened condition, you need special-purpose tungsten carbide, diamond, or boron nitride tooling. You also generally need a milling machine. (Note:Masonry bits do not work well for this because the points on these bits are too broad. Masonry bits are designed to crush and grind, not cut.) This is usually not worth the difficulty and expense anyway, it's much easier to anneal first, then drill & machine, then re-harden.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-16 10:12:08

    Carbide could be used to drill something that has already gone through heat treat, or it could be used in an nc mill, it will drill a very accurate diameter that often will not need to be reamed afterward. That is to say if wanted to make 50/ 8mm dowel holes you could use an 8mm carbide drill without having to go back to ream. Careful though carbide is very brittle and easy to break, also once a carbide dill is worn out you might as well toss it, because the cost of a re grind is more than the replacement cost.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-16 10:12:07

    Carbide could be used to drill something that has already gone through heat treat, or it could be used in an nc mill, it will drill a very accurate diameter that often will not need to be reamed afterward. That is to say if wanted to make 50/ 8mm dowel holes you could use an 8mm carbide drill without having to go back to ream. Careful though carbide is very brittle and easy to break, also once a carbide dill is worn out you might as well toss it, because the cost of a re grind is more than the replacement cost.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-16 10:11:55

    Cobalt is ideally used in regular drill press operations, and will hold sharpness much longer than say a high speed steel drill bit.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-16 10:11:35

    Neither is stronger, but each has it's advantages over the other depending on what application it's intended for.

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