问答详情-When Mig Welding how can you see what you are doing?
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When Mig Welding how can you see what you are doing?

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 I've never done it before and I'm scared to try. I have to do it next week at a volunteer job only for this once but I'm still nervous of doing something wrong. My question is when you have a mask on (really dark) how can you see what you are doing?Any tips on this welding are greatly appreciated, even really basic things. 


  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-24 10:56:57

    glad you asked, Mig welding is really a simple task if you can already stick weld. what you see is what you get with a mig. follow the following process and you'll do great. if right handed hold the handle slightly to the left just enough to see the wire sticking out of the nozzle, weld to the left in an overlapping circular pattern usually between 1/4 and 7/16 wide the lens should be sufficient if for arc welding. a quick practice on scrap metal should ease your concerns quickly. you will see the deposited weld in the lens and no chipping needed

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