问答详情- How could i weld two sheets of aluminium together?
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How could i weld two sheets of aluminium together?

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doesn't particularly need to be welding but i need to make an air tight permanent seal around 2 very thin sheets of aluminium (like .02 inches thick) i was thinking .02 inch 5052 aluminum because its the thinnest i can find but am obviously up for suggestions. 


  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-19 10:31:57

    First you need a Tungsten inert gas welder (T.I.G. for short). The second step is to make sure the aluminum is clean. If you just bought it , and it looks clean ; it isn't trust me. Steel and aluminum are totally different in a lot of ways and that is one of them. I'm going to skip the safety instructions and shopping list , under the presumption that you already know the basics. Spray the area to be welded with acetone. rinse with clean water to remove lingering residue. then use a wire brush that has never been used on anything but Aluminum to clean the area. I'd go with a 4043 welding rod , it's a popular choice. Make sure to use clamps so that the 2 pieces of metal are squeezed tightly together with no gaps. (very important) I like to preheat my metal even if it's thin sheets , seems to come out better although it isn't usually called for in specs. side note ; If you have to step away from your work for more than 8 hours , you're going to need to re-prep it since it will have formed a layer of Aluminum oxide by that time.

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