Q & A details -What decides on the size of welding cable to use?
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What decides on the size of welding cable to use?

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What decides on the size of welding cable to use?

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-03 09:42:00

    In order to determine proper gauge of welding cable you must first determine how long the distance you will need in cable, the entire length for both electrode side as well as work clamp side, and you also need to know the amperage you will be using. Once you determine this there are various references online and offline, most commonly in the owners manual to most welding machines, that will give you the proper size based on the amperage and total length. there are a few different factors in determining the size of welding cable you use. Thickness of base metal, distance from machine to worksite, and amperage. I am a welder in the navy and sometimes we run our leads over far distances therefore we need a bigger welding lead to handle the increase in amperage to maintain the proper work temperature. There may be more reasons for using a bigger cable but I am not sure.

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  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-01-03 09:40:56

    It is arc welding process using a spool of wire that is fed to the material by an electric motor. Different from shielded metal arc welding which uses consumable welding electrodes with a covering of flux to assist and protect the weld. The MIG uses an inert gas (IG) to keep impurities from the welding point. The technical term for MIG is GMAW (gas metal arc welding), this is because most of the time an inert gas is not used, a mixed gas is more likely. Ex. 90-10 Ar-CO2

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