问答详情- What is a more secure job: coal mining or welding?
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What is a more secure job: coal mining or welding?

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Senior in high school and am deciding on my future career. I've always wanted to do welding but people say I will have to go to a bigger city to find a job ( I really don't want to leave the mountains). How true is this? I live in Harlan, Kentucky... If I do do welding, what should I get ny degree in ( list of welding degrees in description at the college im going to... Thanks.... 


  • 0861788249

    0861788249 2017-02-10 10:01:27

    In my job experience welding was always a huge plus but was never really the number one focal point for a job. It really is a skilled trade and I recently got hired at Tesla Motors, they wanted to know if I could do orbital welding during the interview. I know basic welding but orbital was foreign to me. So it is something that will eventually be taught to me (or so I am told). I guess my point here is that welding is a critical part for many jobs but to really be employable in different industries it helps to have a background with mechanical or even electrical systems. I am an electrician but always worked as a technician in various industries, all electrical or mechanical work but fabrication was always necessary. The more welding I learn the more employable I will be, but if I only knew welding then that would really limit my opportunities. By all means, learn welding because that is what I would choose between the two. All I am saying is that it will benefit you to maybe get a bit of a background with mechanical/electrical systems since at least in my experience they really go well together. Good Luck

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